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Posgraduate Studies

A postgraduate degree. I think that nowdays it is essential to not just stop studying after you graduate, you can get a lot more oportunities if you, for example, get a prostgradue dregree. It is very important because you can get a deeper knowledge in any subject that you want, and the more knowledge you have the better you are at doing your job, specialy now that there is a lot of labor demand in the field of architecture, the best thing to do is to get a major so finding a job isn't to hard.  What is best about them is that you have al the power to decide about what is it going to be, you get to chose it. I haven't really think about what I would like to study after I graduate, but I do really like urbanisim, so maybe getting a degree in that could be fun, specialy if it is something like the urbanism by Peter Calthope, another option for me is a degree in Sustainable Building, or Environmental  Desing. I have nothing against doing it here in Chile,because it is a lot

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