My best holiday.

My best holiday.

For the second essay in this blog we were asked to write about our best holiday.
I had a lot of fun in mine! It was in the middle of January, and we travel to Punta del Este for about a week. I went there with my mom, my dad, and my best friend! It was really cool because my parents let me invite her so I wouldn't get bored, but i'm pretty sure they did that so they could have some time for themself whitout having me around.
It was my most relaxing holiday, we spend most of the time just chilling in the beach, my friend and I like to draw so we tooked our drawing blocks with us, but we also get into the water, it was nice! But I prefer chilean beaches, the waves are stonger and is a lot more fun.
We took two tours, one to get to know the city and one so we could go to another beach, they where really fun and now we have some cute pictures to put in the wall! I get to see the Thump Tower, not a really pretty tower, but now i can say that I saw it. We also visited a casino and we won enouhg money to bought an icecream.
The hotel was great too, our room had a tiny kitchen, a gym that my dad and I used a couple of days, two swiming pools, one warmer than the other, but the best part was the breakfast, we could eat everything that we wanted, and evetything was delicious. The firts time we had breakfast there we eat too much, like way too much, and we didn't get hungry in a really long time, but as days passed by we started getting a lot less food, and the last day we only get fruit and tea.
Because the focus of Punta del Este is tourism the place is allways clean and pretty, but it is so expenssive! Even the fast food, luckly for us there was a place near our hotel that was cheap in comparasion with everythig else, and we usually had dinner there.
Definitely one of my best ones! Just some pure relaxation before university.

                          Resultado de imagen para punta del este uruguay


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