The urbanism by Peter Calthorpe.

Peter Calthorpe has a career in urban desing, planning and architecture, amd you can definitely say just watching his Ted Talk aboyt the 7 principles for building better cities.
One of the first things he say in his talk was that the way we shape our cities has an important impact in the kind of society we create, along with the environment, and that the biggest problem that the cities are sprawling in a way that's harmful for people. But why is this? He said that cities today not olny damaged the economy and the environment, but also isolate peolpe in a way that their social life has totaly collapsed.

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As a solution he presented the 7 principles for building better cities in which people could have better lifes, the first one was the 'preservation' of the natural environment, so instead of worring about how are we going to reverse pollution we should just stop polluting. The second one was 'mix', as mixed land-use, incomes, age groups, etc. Then was 'walk', and how fundamental were the spaces for walking in a good city, and 'bike, because is the most efficient way of transportation that also is pollution free. The fifth principle was about the importance of connection in cities, then 'ride' that's about the implementation of a quality made public transit. And the last one, 'focus', focus on making everything else work together, and in kwoning how a good citie is suposed to be.

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I compleaty agree with him, because we have to focus a lot more on what is important in cities, which is people, we seem to have forgotten that as we keep making the cities bigger and bigger without really thinking about how people are going to live in them.


  1. I also agree, specially on a good mixed land use, for share between us

  2. i agree too, i found it really interesting and hope that one day we could find a solution that we could make true for all of us


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